San Antonio Aquarium
Dave has had a bit of time off of work this week, so we've been adventuring often.
One of the new places we've gone is the San Antonio Aquarium!
We're a little spoiled having been to much larger and nicer aquariums, but what made this one special was how interactive it was. You can feed almost all of the animals, and touch many of them as well!

This parrot was the first animal to greet us. He was hanging out at the reception area doing this trick!

They have a couple dinosaur statues and a floor stomping game before you get to the fish.

The stingray are not shy at all!

There was a bounce house area that we obviously had to check out as well.

Followed, of course, by cotton candy.

They had a room of parakeets, and another room of conures. Clementine was a little nervous having the birds perch on her, but we all loved it!
Spider, snake, alligators, and sharks are next

Clementine had a blast feeding all the aquatic animals! Especially the caimans (crocodile looking things), which was like fishing!
We can't wait to check out the aquariums in Washington D.C. this fall!